Class OdesReturnMap


public class OdesReturnMap
extends OdesDiagnostics
1d return map (on Poincare section) diagnostics for Odes

24 October 1997
Michael Cross

Variable Index

 o crossed
true if Poincare plane has been crossed
 o firstDataPoint
true if first data point
 o ghostLength
number of iterations for ghost
 o ghostTime
time for ghost
 o marker
input marker size
 o markerScale
marker size
 o markerType
type of marker (see marker.txt)
 o ncurve1
index of first data curve
 o nplot
updated number of points in plot
 o nplot1
updated number of points in plot of second curve
 o sec
value for Poincare section
 o secVar
variable for Poincare section
 o tp
last time
 o xp
copy of x
 o XTitleArray
 o YTitleArray
 o z1
vasiables for return map
 o z2
vasiables for return map
 o zHold
last x[xecVar] for Poincare section calculation

Constructor Index

 o OdesReturnMap(Odes)

Method Index

 o iterate()
Iterates ODEs and updates graph
 o poincare(double[], double[], double, double, double, int)
 o process(double[], double[], int)
process data
 o restart()
 o setDefaults()
Sets default values of parameters depending on plot type
 o setDelay(int)
Sets delay for movie iteration
 o updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls in parent class


 o ghostTime
 double ghostTime
time for ghost

 o ghostLength
 int ghostLength
number of iterations for ghost

 o nplot
 int nplot
updated number of points in plot

 o ncurve1
 int ncurve1
index of first data curve

 o nplot1
 int nplot1
updated number of points in plot of second curve

 o xp
 double xp[]
copy of x

 o crossed
 boolean crossed
true if Poincare plane has been crossed

 o firstDataPoint
 boolean firstDataPoint
true if first data point

 o secVar
 int secVar
variable for Poincare section

 o sec
 double sec
value for Poincare section

 o zHold
 double zHold
last x[xecVar] for Poincare section calculation

 o z1
 double z1
vasiables for return map

 o z2
 double z2
vasiables for return map

 o tp
 double tp
last time

 o marker
 double marker
input marker size

 o markerScale
 double markerScale
marker size

 o markerType
 int markerType
type of marker (see marker.txt)

 o XTitleArray
 String XTitleArray[]
 o YTitleArray
 String YTitleArray[]


 o OdesReturnMap
 public OdesReturnMap(Odes inParent)
inParent - parent class
See Also:


 o updateParameters
 public void updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls in parent class

updateParameters in class OdesDiagnostics
 o restart
 public boolean restart()

restart in class OdesDiagnostics
 o iterate
 public boolean iterate()
Iterates ODEs and updates graph

true if iteration successful
iterate in class OdesDiagnostics
 o setDefaults
 public void setDefaults()
Sets default values of parameters depending on plot type

setDefaults in class OdesDiagnostics
 o setDelay
 public void setDelay(int inDelay)
Sets delay for movie iteration

setDelay in class OdesDiagnostics
 o process
 int process(double x[],
             double data[],
             int nplot)
process data

x - variable
data - for plotting
nplot - number of points indata
nplot new number of points in data
 o poincare
 double poincare(double x1_in[],
                 double x2_in[],
                 double t1,
                 double t2,
                 double sec,
                 int secVar)