Class OdesDiagnostics


public class OdesDiagnostics
extends Object
Diagnostics for Odes
Base class for subclassing

24 October 1997
Michael Cross

Variable Index

 o a
function parameter
 o allowDrag
 o b
function parameter
 o c
function parameter
 o d
function parameter
 o delay
delay in graph update
 o dt
time step (after reduction by delay)
 o dtp
input time step
 o err
error estimates from solver
 o errp
error estimates from solver
 o iterations
number of iterations
 o ncurve
number of curves
 o ncurve1
index of first data curve
 o ncurve2
index of second data curve
 o nParameters
Number of equation parameters
 o ntrans
number of iterations to eliminate transient
 o nVariables
number of variables (icluding time)
 o parameters
equation parameters {a,b,c,d}
 o parent
parent class
 o Pi
math constants
 o Pi2
 o plot_x
variable to be plotted on x-axis
 o plot_y
variable to be plotted on y-axis
 o runTrans
true if transient is to be run on call to restart()
 o setAxesRange
true if user has chosen range with mouse
 o t
time in evolution
 o trans
transient time
 o wrapX
 o wrapXValue
 o wrapY
 o wrapYValue
 o wrapZ
 o wrapZValue
 o x
iterated variable (icluding time)
 o x0
starting value of x
 o xmax
Range of plot
 o xmin
Range of plot
 o xTitle
 o ymax
Range of plot
 o ymin
Range of plot
 o yTitle

Constructor Index

 o OdesDiagnostics(Odes)

Method Index

 o eliminateTransient()
 o iterate()
Iterates Map equations and updates graph
 o resetRange()
Resets x-range to 0 < x < 1
 o respondToClick(double, double)
Action to perform on mouse click.
 o respondToDrag(double, double, double, double)
Action to perform on mouse drag.
 o restart()
 o setDefaults()
Sets default values of parameters depending on plot type
 o setDelay(int)
Sets delay for movie iteration
 o setWrap(int, double)
 o updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls in parent class


 o nVariables
 int nVariables
number of variables (icluding time)

 o Pi
 static final double Pi
math constants

 o Pi2
 static final double Pi2
 o setAxesRange
 boolean setAxesRange
true if user has chosen range with mouse

 o runTrans
 boolean runTrans
true if transient is to be run on call to restart()

 o wrapZ
 public boolean wrapZ
 o wrapZValue
 public double wrapZValue
 o wrapY
 public boolean wrapY
 o wrapYValue
 public double wrapYValue
 o wrapX
 public boolean wrapX
 o wrapXValue
 public double wrapXValue
 o allowDrag
 public boolean allowDrag
 o plot_x
 int plot_x
variable to be plotted on x-axis

 o plot_y
 int plot_y
variable to be plotted on y-axis

 o ntrans
 int ntrans
number of iterations to eliminate transient

 o ncurve
 int ncurve
number of curves

 o ncurve1
 int ncurve1
index of first data curve

 o ncurve2
 int ncurve2
index of second data curve

 o iterations
 int iterations
number of iterations

 o delay
 int delay
delay in graph update

 o dt
 double dt
time step (after reduction by delay)

 o dtp
 double dtp
input time step

 o t
 double t
time in evolution

 o err
 double err
error estimates from solver

 o errp
 double errp
error estimates from solver

 o x
 double x[]
iterated variable (icluding time)

 o x0
 double x0[]
starting value of x

 o parameters
 double parameters[]
equation parameters {a,b,c,d}

 o nParameters
 public int nParameters
Number of equation parameters

 o a
 double a
function parameter

 o b
 double b
function parameter

 o c
 double c
function parameter

 o d
 double d
function parameter

 o trans
 double trans
transient time

 o xmin
 double xmin
Range of plot

 o xmax
 double xmax
Range of plot

 o ymin
 double ymin
Range of plot

 o ymax
 double ymax
Range of plot

 o xTitle
 String xTitle
 o yTitle
 String yTitle
 o parent
 Odes parent
parent class


 o OdesDiagnostics
 public OdesDiagnostics(Odes inParent)
inParent - parent class
See Also:


 o updateParameters
 public void updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls in parent class

 o restart
 public boolean restart()

 o iterate
 public boolean iterate()
Iterates Map equations and updates graph

true if iteration successful
 o setDefaults
 public void setDefaults()
Sets default values of parameters depending on plot type

 o resetRange
 public void resetRange()
Resets x-range to 0 < x < 1

 o respondToDrag
 public void respondToDrag(double x1,
                           double x2,
                           double y1,
                           double y2)
Action to perform on mouse drag. Default is to set range of axes and restart

 o respondToClick
 public void respondToClick(double x,
                            double y)
Action to perform on mouse click. Default is display coordinates of point

 o setDelay
 public void setDelay(int inDelay)
Sets delay for movie iteration

 o setWrap
 public void setWrap(int i,
                     double wrap)
 o eliminateTransient
 boolean eliminateTransient()