Class Odes


public class Odes
extends dynamicGraph
Iterates and plots the chaos models described by coupled ODEs.
Uses the "Java Graph Class Library" by Leigh Brookshaw

3 August, 1997
Michael Cross

Variable Index

 o a
function parameter
 o aThread
 o buttons
 o choices
 o clicked
true after first mouse click
 o delay
 o documentBase
location of marker.txt
 o function
function type
 o functionChoice
 o ghostTime
 o graph
 o marker
input marker size
 o markerScale
marker size
 o markerType
type of marker (see marker.txt)
 o ncurve
number of curves
 o nVariables
number of variables (icluding time)
 o odesFunction
 o parameters
 o plot
plot type
 o plotChoice
 o showGhost
true if ghost to be showed
 o showTime
true if time to be displayed
 o solver
 o status
 o topRightPanel
 o transientColor
color of ghost
 o variables
 o xmax
 o xmin
 o xmouse
 o ymax
 o ymin
 o ymouse

Constructor Index

 o Odes(startOdes, URL)

Method Index

 o derivs(double[], double, int)
Returns RHS of differential equations for Lorenz model
 o disableAll()
Disables text input and choice controls
 o enableAll()
Enables text input and choice contorls
 o handleEvent(Event)
Event handler: Stops iteration on minimising and handles close window event
(May fail under Windows95)
 o iterate()
Iterates ODE and updates graph
 o movieStart()
Start movie thread
 o movieStop()
Stop movie thread
 o respondToButtons(int)
Respond to buttonControls
 o respondToChoices()
Responds to choiceControls
 o respondToMouse(double, boolean, double, boolean)
Responds to mouse events
 o respondToText()
Responds to textControls
 o restart()
Resets plot by deleting all curves and restarting
 o stop()
Stop movie thread
 o updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls
 o updateSpeed(int)


 o graph
 superGraph2D graph
 o solver
 ode solver
 o odesFunction
 OdesFunction odesFunction
 o aThread
 Thread aThread
 o variables
 textControls variables
 o parameters
 textControls parameters
 o buttons
 buttonControls buttons
 o choices
 choiceControls choices
 o topRightPanel
 Panel topRightPanel
 o plotChoice
 Choice plotChoice
 o functionChoice
 Choice functionChoice
 o status
 Label status
 o documentBase
 URL documentBase
location of marker.txt

 o marker
 double marker
input marker size

 o markerScale
 double markerScale
marker size

 o markerType
 int markerType
type of marker (see marker.txt)

 o clicked
 boolean clicked
true after first mouse click

 o showTime
 boolean showTime
true if time to be displayed

 o showGhost
 boolean showGhost
true if ghost to be showed

 o nVariables
 int nVariables
number of variables (icluding time)

 o ncurve
 int ncurve
number of curves

 o plot
 int plot
plot type

 o function
 int function
function type

 o ghostTime
 double ghostTime
 o delay
 int delay
 o xmin
 double xmin
 o xmax
 double xmax
 o ymin
 double ymin
 o ymax
 double ymax
 o xmouse
 double xmouse
 o ymouse
 double ymouse
 o a
 double a[]
function parameter

 o transientColor
 Color transientColor
color of ghost


 o Odes
 Odes(startOdes target,
      URL in_documentBase)
target - starting class
See Also:


 o respondToText
 public void respondToText()
Responds to textControls

respondToText in class dynamicGraph
See Also:
 o respondToChoices
 public void respondToChoices()
Responds to choiceControls

respondToChoices in class dynamicGraph
See Also:
 o respondToButtons
 public void respondToButtons(int buttonIndex)
Respond to buttonControls

buttonIndex - index of button pushed
respondToButtons in class dynamicGraph
See Also:
 o movieStop
 public void movieStop()
Stop movie thread

 o movieStart
 public void movieStart()
Start movie thread

 o handleEvent
 public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)
Event handler: Stops iteration on minimising and handles close window event
(May fail under Windows95)

handleEvent in class Component
 o disableAll
 public void disableAll()
Disables text input and choice controls

 o enableAll
 public void enableAll()
Enables text input and choice contorls

 o derivs
 public double[] derivs(double x[],
                        double t,
                        int n)
Returns RHS of differential equations for Lorenz model

x[] - vector of current value of dependent variables
n - number of dependent variables in array x[]
t - current value of independent variable
n compoent vector giving derivatives of dependent variables
derivs in class dynamicGraph
 o updateParameters
 public void updateParameters()
Updates parameters from the text controls

 o restart
 public boolean restart()
Resets plot by deleting all curves and restarting

 o iterate
 public boolean iterate()
Iterates ODE and updates graph

iterate in class dynamicGraph
 o stop
 public void stop()
Stop movie thread

 o updateSpeed
 public void updateSpeed(int in_delay)
updateSpeed in class dynamicGraph
 o respondToMouse
 public void respondToMouse(double xcoord,
                            boolean xcoordValid,
                            double ycoord,
                            boolean ycoordValid)
Responds to mouse events

xcoord - x-coordinate of mouse click
xcoordValid - true if x-coordinate of mouse click within graph
ycoord - y-coordinate of mouse click
ycoordValid - true if y-coordinate of mouse click within graph
respondToMouse in class dynamicGraph