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Class graph.DataSet


public class DataSet
extends Object
This class is designed to hold the data to be plotted. It is to be used in conjunction with the Graph2D class and Axis class for plotting 2D graphs.

LB1.15 modified MCC 3/19/97
Leigh Brookshaw, modified by Michael Cross

Variable Index

 o clipping
Boolean to control clipping of the data window.
 o data
The array containing the actual data
 o dxmax
The data X maximum.
 o dxmin
The data X minimum.
 o dymax
The data Y maximum.
 o dymin
The data Y minimum.
 o g2d
The Graphics canvas that is driving the whole show.
 o increment
The amount to increment the data array when the append method is being used.
 o legend_dx
The X data position of the data legend
 o legend_dy
The Y data position of the data legend
 o legend_ix
The X pixel position of the data legend
 o legend_iy
The Y pixel position of the data legend
 o legend_length
The length of the example line in the data legend.
 o legend_text
The legend text
 o length
The number of data points stored in the data array
A constant value flag used to specify that a straight line segment is to join the data points.
 o linecolor
The color of the straight line segments
 o linestyle
The linestyle to employ when joining the data points with straight line segments.
 o marker
The index of the marker to use at the data points.
 o markercolor
The marker color
 o markerscale
The scaling factor for the marker.
A constant value flag used to specify no straight line segment is to join the data points
 o previousPointLines
 o previousPointMarkers
 o stride
The stride of the data.
 o xaxis
The Axis object the X data is attached to.
 o xmax
The current plottable X maximum of the data.
 o xmin
The current plottable X minimum of the data.
 o xrange
The X range of the clipped data
 o yaxis
The Axis object the Y data is attached to.
 o ymax
The current plottable Y maximum of the data.
 o ymin
The current plottable Y minimum of the data.
 o yrange
The Y range of the clipped data

Constructor Index

 o DataSet()
Instantiate an empty data set.
 o DataSet(double[], int)
Instantiate a DataSet with the parsed data.
 o DataSet(double[], int, int)
Instantiate a DataSet with the parsed data.
 o DataSet(int)
Instantiate an empty data set.

Method Index

 o append(double[], int)
Append data to the data set.
 o appendPoint(double, double)
Append single data point to the data set.
 o dataPoints()
Return the number of data points in the DataSet
 o delete(int, int)
Delete data from the data set (start and end are inclusive).
 o deleteData()
Delete all the data from the data set.
 o draw_data(Graphics, Rectangle)
Draw the straight line segments and/or the markers at the data points.
 o draw_legend(Graphics, Rectangle)
Draw a legend for this data set
 o draw_lines(Graphics, Rectangle)
Draw into the data window the straight line segments joining the data points.
 o draw_markers(Graphics, Rectangle)
Draw the markers.
 o getClosestPoint(double, double)
Return the data point that is closest to the parsed (x,y) position
 o getPoint(int)
get the data point at the parsed index.
 o getXmax()
return the data X maximum.
 o getXmin()
return the data X minimum.
 o getYmax()
return the data Y maximum.
 o getYmin()
return the data Y minimum.
 o inside(double, double)
Return true if the point (x,y) is inside the allowed data range.
 o legend(double, double, String)
Define a data legend in the graph window
 o legend(int, int, String)
Define a data legend in the graph window
 o legendColor(Color)
Set the color for the legend text
 o legendFont(Font)
Set the font to be used in the legend
 o plotAllPoints()
Put previousPoints to -1 so all points are plotted
 o range(int)
Calculate the range of the data.


 public static final int NOLINE
A constant value flag used to specify no straight line segment is to join the data points

 public static final int LINE
A constant value flag used to specify that a straight line segment is to join the data points.

 o g2d
 public Graph2D g2d
The Graphics canvas that is driving the whole show.

See Also:
 o linestyle
 public int linestyle
The linestyle to employ when joining the data points with straight line segments. Currently only solid and no line are supported.

 o linecolor
 public Color linecolor
The color of the straight line segments

 o marker
 public int marker
The index of the marker to use at the data points.

See Also:
 o markercolor
 public Color markercolor
The marker color

 o markerscale
 public double markerscale
The scaling factor for the marker. Default value is 1.

 o xaxis
 public Axis xaxis
The Axis object the X data is attached to. From the Axis object the scaling for the data can be derived.

See Also:
 o yaxis
 public Axis yaxis
The Axis object the Y data is attached to.

See Also:
 o xmax
 public double xmax
The current plottable X maximum of the data. This can be very different from true data X maximum. The data is clipped when plotted.

 o xmin
 public double xmin
The current plottable X minimum of the data. This can be very different from true data X minimum. The data is clipped when plotted.

 o ymax
 public double ymax
The current plottable Y maximum of the data. This can be very different from true data Y maximum. The data is clipped when plotted.

 o ymin
 public double ymin
The current plottable Y minimum of the data. This can be very different from true data Y minimum. The data is clipped when plotted.

 o clipping
 public boolean clipping
Boolean to control clipping of the data window. Default value is true, clip the data window.

 o dxmax
 protected double dxmax
The data X maximum. Once the data is loaded this will never change.

 o dxmin
 protected double dxmin
The data X minimum. Once the data is loaded this will never change.

 o dymax
 protected double dymax
The data Y maximum. Once the data is loaded this will never change.

 o dymin
 protected double dymin
The data Y minimum. Once the data is loaded this will never change.

 o data
 protected double data[]
The array containing the actual data

 o length
 protected int length
The number of data points stored in the data array

 o xrange
 protected double xrange
The X range of the clipped data

 o yrange
 protected double yrange
The Y range of the clipped data

 o legend_length
 protected int legend_length
The length of the example line in the data legend.

 o legend_text
 protected TextLine legend_text
The legend text

 o legend_ix
 protected int legend_ix
The X pixel position of the data legend

 o legend_iy
 protected int legend_iy
The Y pixel position of the data legend

 o legend_dx
 protected double legend_dx
The X data position of the data legend

 o legend_dy
 protected double legend_dy
The Y data position of the data legend

 o increment
 protected int increment
The amount to increment the data array when the append method is being used.

 o previousPointLines
 protected int previousPointLines
 o previousPointMarkers
 protected int previousPointMarkers
 o stride
 protected int stride
The stride of the data. For data pairs (x,y) the stride is 2


 o DataSet
 public DataSet()
Instantiate an empty data set.

 o DataSet
 public DataSet(int stride) throws Exception
Instantiate an empty data set.

stride - the stride of the data set. The default stride is 2.
 o DataSet
 public DataSet(double d[],
                int n) throws Exception
Instantiate a DataSet with the parsed data. Default stride is 2. The double array contains the data. The X data is expected in the even indices, the y data in the odd. The integer n is the number of data Points. This means that the length of the data array is 2*n.

d - Array containing the (x,y) data pairs.
n - Number of (x,y) data pairs in the array.
Throws: Exception
A Generic exception if it fails to load the parsed array into the class.
 o DataSet
 public DataSet(double d[],
                int n,
                int s) throws Exception
Instantiate a DataSet with the parsed data. The double array contains the data. The X data is expected to be in indices i*stride where i=0,1,... The Y data is expected to be found in indices i*stride+1 where i=0,1,2... The integer n is the number of data Points. This means that the length of the data array is 2*stride.

d - Array containing the (x,y) data pairs.
n - Number of (x,y) data pairs in the array.
s - The stride of the data.
Throws: Exception
A Generic exception if it fails to load the parsed array into the class.


 o append
 public synchronized void append(double d[],
                                 int n) throws Exception
Append data to the data set.

d - Array containing (x,y) pairs to append
n - Number of (x,y) data pairs in the array.
Throws: Exception
A generic exception if it fails to load the parsed array into the class.
 o appendPoint
 public synchronized void appendPoint(double x,
                                      double y)
Append single data point to the data set. Added by MCC 3/19/97. Useful for animated plotting since reranging etc can be calculated more easily.

x - x-coord of point to be added
y - y-coord of point to be added
 o delete
 public synchronized void delete(int start,
                                 int end)
Delete data from the data set (start and end are inclusive). The first (x,y) pair in the data set start at index 0.

start - The start (x,y) pair index.
end - The end (x,y) pair index.
 o deleteData
 public synchronized void deleteData()
Delete all the data from the data set.

 o draw_data
 public synchronized void draw_data(Graphics g,
                                    Rectangle bounds)
Draw the straight line segments and/or the markers at the data points. If this data has been attached to an Axis then scale the data based on the axis maximum/minimum otherwise scale using the data's maximum/minimum

g - Graphics state
bounds - The data window to draw into
 o getXmax
 public double getXmax()
return the data X maximum.

 o getXmin
 public double getXmin()
return the data X minimum.

 o getYmax
 public double getYmax()
return the data Y maximum.

 o getYmin
 public double getYmin()
return the data Y minimum.

 o legend
 public void legend(int x,
                    int y,
                    String text)
Define a data legend in the graph window

x - pixel position of the legend.
y - pixel position of the legend.
text - text to display in the legend
 o legend
 public void legend(double x,
                    double y,
                    String text)
Define a data legend in the graph window

x - data position of the legend.
y - data position of the legend.
text - text to display in the legend
 o legendFont
 public void legendFont(Font f)
Set the font to be used in the legend

f - font
 o legendColor
 public void legendColor(Color c)
Set the color for the legend text

c - color
 o dataPoints
 public int dataPoints()
Return the number of data points in the DataSet

number of (x,y0 points.
 o getPoint
 public double[] getPoint(int index)
get the data point at the parsed index. The first (x,y) pair is at index 0.

index - Data point index
array containing the (x,y) pair.
 o getClosestPoint
 public double[] getClosestPoint(double x,
                                 double y)
Return the data point that is closest to the parsed (x,y) position

y - (x,y) position in data space.
array containing the closest data point.
 o plotAllPoints
 public void plotAllPoints()
Put previousPoints to -1 so all points are plotted

 o draw_lines
 protected void draw_lines(Graphics g,
                           Rectangle w)
Draw into the data window the straight line segments joining the data points.

g - Graphics context
w - Data window
 o inside
 protected boolean inside(double x,
                          double y)
Return true if the point (x,y) is inside the allowed data range.

 o draw_markers
 protected void draw_markers(Graphics g,
                             Rectangle w)
Draw the markers. (Modified by MCC 3/19/97) Only markers inside the specified range will be drawn. Also markers close the edge of the clipping region will be clipped.

g - Graphics context
w - data window
See Also:
 o draw_legend
 protected void draw_legend(Graphics g,
                            Rectangle w)
Draw a legend for this data set

g - Graphics context
w - Data Window
 o range
 protected void range(int stride)
Calculate the range of the data. This modifies dxmin,dxmax,dymin,dymax and xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax

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