One Dimensional Maps - Equations

Quadratic or Logistic Map

F(x) = ax(1-x)

Sine Map

F(x) = ¼a sin(x)

Tent Map

F(x) = ax x<½
F(x) = a(1-x) x>½

Power Law

F(x) = (½)1+b - |x-½|1+b

Circle Map

F(x) = x + b - (a/2) sin(2 x) mod 1

Shift Map

F(x) = ax mod 1
F(x) = ax x<1/a;
F(x) = a(x-1/a) x>1/a;
The value a=2 is usually used giving the Bernoulli shift map.

My Function


[Instructions] [Diagnostics]
Last modified Thursday, January 6, 2000
Michael Cross