import ChaosDemos.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; //******************************************************************** /** * TimeSeris Diagnostics for Odes
* @version 24 October 1997 * @author Michael Cross */ //******************************************************************** public class OdesTimeSeries extends OdesDiagnostics { /** true if two curves are to be plotted */ boolean curve2 = false; /** time for ghost */ double ghostTime=10.; /** number of iterations for ghost */ int ghostLength; /** updated number of points in plot */ int nplot; /** index of first data curve */ int ncurve1; /** index of second data curve */ int ncurve2; /** updated number of points in plot of second curve */ int nplot1; /** copy of x */ double[] xp={0.,0.,0.,0.}; /** x for second curve */ double[] x1={0.,0.,0.,0.}; /** perturbation */ double[] dx={0.,0.,0.,0.}; /** time for second curve */ double t1=0; String[] titleArray={"Time"," X "," Y "," Z "}; //****************************************************************** /** * @param inParent parent class * @see Map1D */ //****************************************************************** public OdesTimeSeries(Odes inParent) { super(inParent); } //******************************************************************** /** * Updates parameters from the text controls in parent class */ //******************************************************************** public void updateParameters() { super.updateParameters(); ghostLength=(int)(parent.ghostTime/dtp); curve2=false; for(int i=1;i<=3;i++) { dx[i]=parent.variables.parseTextField(i+3,dx[i]); if(dx[i]!=0.) curve2=true; } parent.graph.setXAxisTitle(titleArray[plot_x]); parent.graph.setYAxisTitle(titleArray[plot_y]); } //********************************************************************* /** * Restarts */ //********************************************************************* public boolean restart() { double data[] = new double[2*ghostLength]; double data1[] = new double[4]; double data2[] = new double[4]; int i,j; double xSave[] = new double[nVariables]; double tSave; if(x[0]==0.&&curve2) { for(i=1;i<=3;i++) x1[i]=x[i]+dx[i]; x1[0]=0.; } t=0.; t1=0; // parent.graph.clearAll=true; // parent.status.setText(""); // ncurve = parent.graph.deleteAllCurves(); // parent.graph.repaint(); if(runTrans) { if(!eliminateTransient()) return false; if(curve2) { for(i=1;i<=3;i++) x1[i]=x[i]+dx[i]; x1[0]=x[0]; t1=t; } runTrans=false; parent.status.setText(""); } err=0.; System.arraycopy(x,0,xp,0,nVariables); if(ghostLength>0) { for(i=0;i 0) { parent.graph.paintAll=false; // Don't paint while updating data parent.graph.appendToCurve(moredata,1,ncurve1); if(curve2) parent.graph.appendToCurve(moredata1,1,ncurve2); parent.graph.paintAll=true; parent.graph.clearAll=false; parent.graph.repaint(); // graph.paint(graph.getGraphics()); } errp=parent.solver.err[plot_x]+parent.solver.err[plot_y]; if(errp>err) err=errp; if(parent.showTime) parent.status.setText(" Time ="+(float)t); return true; } //********************************************************************** /** * Sets default values of parameters depending on plot type */ //********************************************************************** public void setDefaults() {;;; parent.variables.setText(4,"0."); parent.variables.setLabelText(4," dX0"); parent.variables.setText(5,"0."); parent.variables.setLabelText(5," dY0"); parent.variables.setText(6,"0."); parent.variables.setLabelText(6," dZ0"); parent.topRightPanel.validate(); } //********************************************************************** /** * Action to perform on mouse click. Default is display coordinates * of point */ //********************************************************************** public void respondToClick(double xcoord, double ycoord) { double data[] = new double[4]; if(parent.aThread != null) { x[plot_x]=xcoord; x[plot_y]=ycoord; data[0]=xcoord; data[1]=ycoord; data[2]=xcoord; data[3]=ycoord; ncurve = parent.graph.addCurve(data,1,; ncurve1=ncurve; parent.clicked=false; } } //********************************************************************** /** * Shifts x to 0shift) { x=x-shift; } while (x<0.) { x=x+shift; } return x; } //********************************************************************** /** * Sets delay for movie iteration */ //********************************************************************** public void setDelay(int inDelay) { delay=inDelay; dt=dtp/((double) delay); ntrans=(int) (trans/dtp); ghostLength=(int) (parent.ghostTime/dtp); } //********************************************************************** /** * process data * @param x variable * @param data for plotting * @param nplot number of points indata * @return nplot new number of points in data */ //********************************************************************** int process(double x[], double[] data, int nplot) { int j=2*nplot; data[j++]=x[plot_x]; data[j]=x[plot_y]; nplot++; return nplot; } }