package ChaosDemos; import graph.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; //********************************************************************** /** * Class to make and modify 2D graph
* Subclass of Graph2D by Leigh Brookshaw
* Maximum number of curves is 10
* @version 15 March 1997 * @author Michael Cross */ //********************************************************************** public class superGraph2D extends Graph2D { private Vector datac = new Vector(10); /** * The x-axis of the graph */ public Axis xaxis; /** * The y-axis of the graph */ public Axis yaxis; private int ncurve; // Number of curves plotted - 1 private TextLine text; private String title; private dynamicGraph outerparent=null; private boolean drag,down; private int x0,y0,x1,y1,x1old,y1old; public boolean allowDrag; //********************************************************************** /** * Default Constructor */ //********************************************************************** public superGraph2D () { // Set up parameters of Graph2D drag=false; down=false; allowDrag=false; drawzero = false; drawgrid = false; clearAll = true; borderTop = 60; borderRight=20; borderLeft=20; borderBottom=20; //MCC 3/19/97 change to new setTitleFont etc. // x-axis xaxis = createAxis(Axis.BOTTOM); xaxis.setTitleFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,20)); xaxis.setLabelFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,15)); // yaxis yaxis = createAxis(Axis.LEFT); yaxis.setTitleFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,20)); yaxis.setLabelFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.PLAIN,15)); // ncurve = -1 for no curves added ncurve=-1; text = new TextLine(); title=" "; } //********************************************************************** /** * Constructor given dynamicGraph parent * @param target parent of type dynamicGraph */ //********************************************************************** public superGraph2D(dynamicGraph target) { this(); outerparent=target; } //********************************************************************** /** * Constructor givin minimum and maximum coordinates * (can be rescaled later) * @param xmin minimum value of x * @param xmax maximum value of x * @param ymin minimum value of y * @param ymax maximum value of y */ //********************************************************************** public superGraph2D (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax){ this(); // Call default constructor ncurve=0; // Number of curves - 1 will be 1 double data[] = new double[6]; data[0]=xmin; data[1]=ymin; data[2]=xmax; data[3]=ymin; data[4]=xmax; data[5]=ymax; datac.addElement(loadDataSet(data,3)); ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).linecolor = new Color(0,0,0); xaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); yaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); } //********************************************************************** /** * Adds an additional curve to be plotted
* Returns index number of curve. * @param indata data to be plotted indata[0]-[2n-1] * @param n data points used are indata[0]-[2n-1] * @param c color of new curve * @return index number of curves */ //********************************************************************** public int addCurve(double indata[], int n, Color c) { ncurve++; datac.addElement(loadDataSet(indata,n)); ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).linecolor = c; xaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); yaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); return ncurve; } //********************************************************************** /** * Adds an additional curve to be plotted
* Returns index number of curve. * @param indata data to be plotted indata[0]-[2n-1] * @param n data points used are indata[0]-[2n-1] * @param c color of new curve * @param linestyle 0 for points, 1 for line * @return index number of added curve */ //********************************************************************** public int addCurve(double indata[], int n, Color c, int linestyle, int marker, double markerscale) { ncurve++; datac.addElement(loadDataSet(indata,n)); ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).linecolor = c; ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).linestyle = linestyle; if(linestyle == 0) { ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).markercolor = c; ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).marker = marker; ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)).markerscale = markerscale; } xaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); yaxis.attachDataSet((DataSet)datac.elementAt(ncurve)); return ncurve; } //********************************************************************** /** * Adds npts from indata[] to curve n * @param indata[] data to add from * @param npt nunmer of points to add * @param n index of curve to add to */ //********************************************************************** public void appendToCurve(double indata[], int npt, int n) { if(npt==1) { ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).appendPoint(indata[0],indata[1]); } else { try { ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).append(indata,npt); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error appending Data!"); } } } //********************************************************************** /** * Deletes points from BEGINNING of curve * @param npt number of points to delete * @param n curve to delete from */ //********************************************************************** public void deleteFromCurve(int npt, int n) { ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).delete(0,npt-1); } public void deleteFromCurve(int n) { ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).deleteData(); } //********************************************************************** /** Returns number of points in curve n * @param n index of curve * @return number of points in curve */ //********************************************************************** public int nPoints(int n) { return ((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).dataPoints(); } //********************************************************************** /** Returns first np points in curve n * @param n index of curve * @param np number of points to return (must be less than number in curve) * @return array of points in x,y pairs */ //********************************************************************** public double[] getData(int n, int np) { int nData=((DataSet)datac.elementAt(n)).dataPoints(); if(np>nData) np=nData; double[]array = new double[2*np]; double[] point = new double[2]; for(int i=0; i-1) { for(int i=0;i<=ncurve;i++) { detachDataSet(((DataSet)datac.elementAt(i)));//MCC 3/19/97 } datac.removeAllElements(); } ncurve = -1; // clearAll=true; 6/27/96 return ncurve; } //********************************************************************** /** * Interface to Graph2D that is called before cruves are drawn in paint * @param g reference to Graphics object * @param r reference to Rectangle object */ //********************************************************************** public void paintFirst(Graphics g, Rectangle r) { int x = r.x+r.width/2 + 10; int y = r.y-30; text.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.PLAIN,20)); text.setText(title); text.draw(g,x,y,TextLine.CENTER); } //********************************************************************** /** * Sets title string * @param intitle text for title */ //********************************************************************** public void setTitle(String intitle) { title = intitle; } //********************************************************************** /** * Respond to mouse click in graph
* calls respondToMouse(xcoord, xcoordValid, ycoord, ycoordValid) * with (xcoord,ycoord) the coordinates of the event (in units of the * axes) and xcoordValid true if coordinate within range of axis etc. */ //********************************************************************** public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { double xcoord=0; double ycoord=0; boolean xcoordValid=false; boolean ycoordValid=false; if(down) return true; if(allowDrag) down=true; if (datarect.width != 0.) { xcoord = xaxis.minimum + (xaxis.maximum - xaxis.minimum) * ((float)(x - datarect.x))/( (float) datarect.width); if(xcoord > xaxis.minimum & xcoord < xaxis.maximum) xcoordValid=true; } if (datarect.height != 0.) { ycoord = yaxis.maximum - (yaxis.maximum - yaxis.minimum) * ((float)(y - datarect.y))/( (float) datarect.height); if(ycoord > yaxis.minimum & ycoord < yaxis.maximum) ycoordValid=true; } // System.out.println("xcoord= "+ xcoord+" "+xcoordValid); // System.out.println(y+" "+datarect.y+" "+datarect.height); // System.out.println("ycoord= "+ ycoord+" "+ycoordValid); // System.out.println("mouse down"); if(xcoordValid && ycoordValid && allowDrag) { drag=true; x0=x; y0=y; x1old=x0; y1old=y0; } if(outerparent != null) outerparent.respondToMouse(xcoord, xcoordValid,ycoord, ycoordValid); return true; } public boolean mouseUp(Event e, int x, int y) { double xcoord=0; double ycoord=0; boolean xcoordValid=false; boolean ycoordValid=false; down=false; if(!drag) return true; if (datarect.width != 0.) { xcoord = xaxis.minimum + (xaxis.maximum - xaxis.minimum) * ((float)(x - datarect.x))/( (float) datarect.width); if(xcoord < xaxis.minimum) xcoord = xaxis.minimum; if (xcoord > xaxis.maximum)xcoord = xaxis.maximum; xcoordValid=true; } if (datarect.height != 0.) { ycoord = yaxis.maximum - (yaxis.maximum - yaxis.minimum) * ((float)(y - datarect.y))/( (float) datarect.height); if(ycoord < yaxis.minimum)ycoord = yaxis.minimum; if(ycoord > yaxis.maximum)ycoord = yaxis.maximum; ycoordValid=true; } // System.out.println("xcoord= "+ xcoord+" "+xcoordValid); // System.out.println(y+" "+datarect.y+" "+datarect.height); // System.out.println("ycoord= "+ ycoord+" "+ycoordValid); // System.out.println("mouse up"); drag=false; if(allowDrag && outerparent != null) outerparent.respondToMouse(xcoord, xcoordValid,ycoord, ycoordValid); return true; } public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y) { x1 = x; y1 = y; if(drag) { if(x1 < datarect.x) x1 = datarect.x; else if(x1 > datarect.x + datarect.width ) x1 = datarect.x + datarect.width; if(y1 < datarect.y) y1 = datarect.y; else if(y1 > datarect.y + datarect.height ) y1 = datarect.y + datarect.height; } repaint(); return true; } //********************************************************************** /** * Connects to addToGraph method in parent. Called by the paint method in Graph2D
* @param g graphics * @param r data rectangle */ //********************************************************************** public void paintBeforeData( Graphics g, Rectangle r) { outerparent.addToGraph( g, r); } //********************************************************************** /** * Sets x-axis title * @param title text for x-axis title */ //********************************************************************** public void setXAxisTitle(String title) { /* For graph verion 2.1 xaxis.title.setText(title); */ xaxis.setTitleText(title); } //********************************************************************** /** * Sets y-axis title * @param title text for y-axis title */ //********************************************************************** public void setYAxisTitle(String title) { /* For graph verion 2.1 yaxis.title.setText(title); */ yaxis.setTitleText(title); } public void update(Graphics g) { Rectangle r = bounds(); Color c = g.getColor(); /* The r.x and r.y returned from bounds is relative to the ** parents space so set them equal to zero */ r.x = 0; r.y = 0; if(drag) { /** * Set the dragColor. Do it everytime just incase someone * is playing silly buggers with the background color. */ g.setColor(DataBackground); float hsb[] = Color.RGBtoHSB( DataBackground.getRed(), DataBackground.getGreen(), DataBackground.getBlue(), null); if(hsb[2] < 0.5) g.setXORMode(Color.white); else g.setXORMode(; /* ** Drag out the new box. ** Use drawLine instead of drawRect to avoid problems ** when width and heights become negative. Seems drawRect ** can't handle it! */ /* ** Draw over old box to erase it. This works because XORMode ** has been set. If from one call to the next the background ** color changes going to get some odd results. */ g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1old, y0); g.drawLine(x1old, y0, x1old, y1old); g.drawLine(x1old, y1old, x0, y1old); g.drawLine(x0, y1old, x0, y0); /* ** draw out new box */ g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0); g.drawLine(x1, y0, x1, y1); g.drawLine(x1, y1, x0, y1); g.drawLine(x0, y1, x0, y0); /* ** Set color back to default color */ g.setColor(c); x1old = x1; y1old = y1; return; } if( paintAll ) paint(g); } } //********************************************************************** //**********************************************************************