package ChaosDemos; import java.awt.*; //********************************************************************* /** * Class for ntext labelled text fields updated by slider controls. Text * field for controls is (ntext+1)th textfield. * @version 2 August, 1997 * @author Michael Cross */ //********************************************************************* public class sliderControls extends Panel { private TextField[] t; private Panel[] p; private Label l1; // private TextField increment; private Button bUp; private Button bDown; private Panel buttonPanel; private Panel topPanel; private Checkbox[] check; private CheckboxGroup cbg; private int ntext; // number of text fields private int textLength; private double inc=0.01; // Frame parent=null; // Parent frame for dialog boxes private dynamicGraph parent; private boolean showButtons=true; //********************************************************************* /** * Adds n text fields of size length with values text[] * labelled by l[] * @param target parent class of type dynamicGraph * @param text vector of fields of textboxes * @param l vector of labels of textboxes * @param n number of textboxes * @param length length of textboxes * @param showButtons true if show buttons */ //********************************************************************* public sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, int length, boolean showButtons) { parent = target; textLength = length; ntext = n; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); topPanel = new Panel(); topPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(n,1,0,0)); buttonPanel = new Panel(); t = new TextField[ntext+1]; p = new Panel[ntext]; cbg = new CheckboxGroup(); check = new Checkbox[ntext]; // increment = new TextField(String.valueOf(inc),textLength); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.insets = new Insets(0,0,10,0); constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; constraints.gridx=GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE; constraints.gridheight = 1; constraints.weightx=1.; for(int i=0;i>"); bDown = new Button("<<"); gridbag.setConstraints(bDown, constraints); buttonPanel.add(bDown); constraints.gridwidth=GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gridbag.setConstraints(bUp, constraints); buttonPanel.add(bUp); } l1 = new Label("Change: "); constraints.gridwidth=1; constraints.weightx=0.; constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST; t[ntext]=new TextField(String.valueOf(inc),textLength); gridbag.setConstraints(l1, constraints); buttonPanel.add(l1); constraints.gridwidth=GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gridbag.setConstraints(t[ntext], constraints); buttonPanel.add(t[ntext]); } //********************************************************************* /** * Adds n text fields of size length with values text[] * labelled by l[] * @param target parent class of type dynamicGraph * @param text vector of fields of textboxes * @param l vector of labels of textboxes * @param n number of textboxes * @param length length of textboxes */ //********************************************************************* public sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, int length) { this(target, text, l, n, length, true); } /** * Adds n text fields of size length with values text[] * labelled by l[] * @param target parent class of type dynamicGraph * @param text vector of fields of textboxes * @param l vector of labels of textboxes * @param n number of textboxes * @param length length of textboxes * @param inInc value of increment applied by sliders */ public sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, int length, double inInc) { this(target, text, l, n, length); inc=inInc; } /** * Adds n text fields of size length with values text[] * labelled by l[] * @param target parent class of type dynamicGraph * @param text vector of fields of textboxes * @param l vector of labels of textboxes * @param n number of textboxes * @param length length of textboxes * @param inInc value of increment applied by sliders * @param showButtons true if show buttons */ public sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, int length, double inInc, boolean showButtons) { this(target, text, l, n, length, showButtons); inc=inInc; } //********************************************************************** //** Constructor with parent frame target //** //********************************************************************** /* sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, Frame frame_target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, int length, double inInc) { this(target, text, l, n, length, inInc); parent = frame_target; } */ //********************************************************************** //** Constructors with default size 8 //** //********************************************************************** /* sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, Frame frame_target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, double inInc) { this(target, frame_target, text,l,n,8, inInc); } */ /** * Adds n text fields of default size 8 with values text[] * labelled by l[] * @param target parent class of type dynamicGraph * @param text vector of fields of textboxes * @param l vector of labels of textboxes * @param n number of textboxes * @param inInc value of increment applied by sliders */ sliderControls (dynamicGraph target, String[] text, String[] l, int n, double inInc) { this(target, text,l,n,8, inInc); } //********************************************************************* /** Event handler: responds to slider events
* Calls respondToSliderButtons() and respondToSliderText() * methods in parent. * @see dynamicGraph */ //********************************************************************* public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg) { double d,dNew; int chosen=0; if( instanceof Button) { for(int i=0;intext+1) return i; try { iNew=(new Integer(t[n].getText())).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(i)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog(parent,"Try an integer"); return i; } return iNew; } //********************************************************************* /** * Parses text field known to be integer of known sign. * Resets old value of corresponding variable if input format * is incorrect or wrong sign and brings up alertDialog warning box. * @param n index of textbox to read * @param i old value of variable * @param positive true if value should be positive * @return new value of parameter if textbox format is correct, * and value of correct sign, otherwise old value. * @see alertDialog */ //********************************************************************* public int parseTextField(int n, int i, boolean positive) { int iNew; if(n>ntext+1) return i; try { iNew=(new Integer(t[n].getText())).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(i)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog(parent,"Try an integer"); return i; } if(((iNew < 0) && positive) || ((iNew>0) && !positive)) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(i)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog(parent,"Must be positive"); return i; } return iNew; } //********************************************************************* /** * Parses text field known to be integer in known range. * Resets old value of corresponding variable if input format * is incorrect orout of range and brings up alertDialog warning box. * @param n index of textbox to read * @param i old value of variable * @param min minimum value of allowed range * @param max maximum value of allowed range * @return new value of parameter if textbox format is correct, * and value in of range, otherwise old value. * @see alertDialog */ //********************************************************************* public int parseTextField(int n, int i, int min, int max) { int iNew; if(n>ntext+1) return i; try { iNew=(new Integer(t[n].getText())).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(i)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog(parent,"Try an integer"); return i; } if((iNew < min) || (iNew > max)) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(i)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog(parent,"Must be between" + min +" and "+max); return i; } return iNew; } //********************************************************************* /** * Parses text field known to be double. * Resets old value of corresponding variable if input format * is incorrect and brings up alertDialog warning box. * @param n index of textbox to read * @param d old value of variable * @return new value of parameter if textbox format is correct, * otherwise old value. * @see alertDialog */ //********************************************************************* public double parseTextField(int n, double d) { double dNew; if(n>ntext+1) return d; try { dNew=(new Double(t[n].getText())).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(d)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog (parent,"Must be a number"); return d; } return dNew; } //********************************************************************* /** * Parses text field known to be double and in known range * Resets old value of corresponding variable if input format * is incorrect or out of range and brings up alertDialog warning box. * @param n index of textbox to read * @param d old value of variable * @param min minimum value of allowed range * @param max maximum value of allowed range * @return new value of parameter if textbox format is correct, * and value in range, otherwise old value . * @see alertDialog */ //********************************************************************* public double parseTextField (int n, double d, double min, double max) { double dNew; if(n>ntext+1) return d; try { dNew=(new Double(t[n].getText())).doubleValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(d)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog (parent,"Must be a number"); return d; } if( (dNew < min) || (dNew > max) ) { t[n].setText(String.valueOf(d)); alertDialog alert = new alertDialog (parent,"Must be between " + min + " and " + max); return d; } return dNew; } //********************************************************************* /** * Sets value of ith textbox * @param i index of textbox * @param text value to be set */ //********************************************************************* public void setText(int i, String text) { if(i<=ntext) t[i].setText(text); } //********************************************************************* /** * Gets value of ith textbox * @param i index of textbox * @return content of textbox */ //********************************************************************* public String getText(int i) { if(i<=ntext ) return t[i].getText(); else return null; } //********************************************************************* /** * Disables ith textbox (intext) return false; return check[i].getState(); } //********************************************************************* /** * Sets label of increment buttons * @param text text to be shown */ //********************************************************************* public void setLabelText(String text) { l1.setText(text); } } //********************************************************************* //*********************************************************************